Palestine Poetry

I make no claims to great poetic ability. I use poetry as a way to express ideas succinctly. Other poetry can be found at Political Poetry and Religious Poetry, the latter defined to include any reflection on the human condition.

Redemption. Written 4th September 2007 for the ‘Poets Cornered’ group in Hove, which I was attending that time, this is an uncompromising analysis. I was gratified that it was included in a ‘Poets Cornered’ collection called Redemption (that had been the subject specified) published locally a couple of years later.

A Sombre Day. Written 18th July 2008, this relates to the return of two Israeli corpses from Lebanon in exchange for the release of many Palestinian prisoners.

To a Child. Written 30th January 2009 in response to a friend’s poem, in which a Palestinian child asked why she’d been targeted.

Bob’s Your Uncle. Written 24th March 2010 after discovering the origin of the expression. I’ve struggled with the first verse.

Challenging Jewish Power. Written 12th April 2011, this is an attempt at poetic plain speaking.

We’re Suffering Too. Written for a Deir Yassin Remembered event in our house on 24th April 2012.


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